Wellesley College - BISC189 Essential Skills for Computational Biology

Assignment 4 - Sequence Merry Go Round

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Also, recall that you may run the automated tests on your own computer:

$ julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.test()'

Assignment04 code

For each assignment, the contents of the assignment code script will be rendered as html at the bottom of the assignment description page. If you're interested in how that works, check out Literate.jl

Instructions for Assignment04


Note: this file is runnable in its current state, but is incomplete. You can run the file from the command line, or use the VS Code julia extension to run individual lines.

Base Composition

We've already seen how to calculate GC content of a DNA sequence but sometimes it might be useful to have more information about the overall base composition. To do this, we can loop through a DNA sequence and count each type of base as it occurs.

But first, let's write a "helper" function that does some work to make sure that sequences are normalized into a particular form. In particular, we'll make sure they're always uppercase, are Strings rather than Chars, and don't contain any invalid bases. Note: you can convert a Char to a String with string(c).

Question 1


Normalizes DNA sequences or bases to uppercase `String`s.
Throws an error if invalid bases are encountered.


    julia> normalizeDNA("aaatg")

    julia> normalizeDNA("XTG")
    ERROR: Invalid base X encountered

    julia> normalizeDNA(5)
    ERROR: Invalid base 5 encountered

    julia> normalizeDNA('G')

    julia> b = normalizeDNA('G');

    julia> typeof(b)
function normalizeDNA(sequence)
    # 1. make sequence into a String
    # 2. make sequence uppercase

    for base in sequence
        if !occursin(base, "ACGT")
            error("Invalid base $base encountered")

    # return the normalized sequence

Question 2

Now, we should be able to set sequence = normalizeDNA(sequence) in all of our other functions, and never worry about the form of the input.

The following function returns a Tuple, which is an immutable structure that contains multiple values.


Counts the number of each type of base
in a DNA sequence and returns a tuple those counts
in the order A, C, G, T


    julia> basecomposition("AATCGGG")
    (2, 1, 3, 1)

    julia> basecomposition('C')
    (0, 1, 0, 0)

    julia> A,C,G,T = basecomposition("accgggtttt")
    (1, 2, 3, 4)

    julia> A

    julia> T

    julia> basecomposition("BACCGGGTTTT")
    ERROR: Invalid base B encountered
function basecomposition(sequence)
    sequence = normalizeDNA(sequence) # make uppercase string, check invalid bases
    a = c = g = t = 0 # sets all 4 variables to `0`

    for base in sequence
        # add 1 to each base as it occurs

    return a,c,g,t

Hint: If all of your base counts are zeros, What's the type of base as you loop through a String?

Question 3

Now let's rewrite our gc_content() function from Assignment03 using our basecomposition() function. This one has the same docstring, but should require substantially less code.


Calculates the GC ratio of a DNA sequence.
The GC ratio is the total number of G and C bases divided by the total length of the sequence.
For more info about GC content, see here:


    julia> gc_content("AATG")

    julia> gc_content("cccggg") * 100

    julia> gc_content("ATta")

    julia> gc_content("ATty")
    Error: Invalid base Y encountered
function gc_content(sequence)
    # Be sure to use `basecomposition()` in your answer.
    # Note: Since `basecomposition()` already calls `normalizeDNA`,
    # there's no need to call it here.

Kmer Composition

Be sure that you've read the sections of Lesson 5 on kmers and dictionaries before attempting the following questions.

What we'd like to do is to get a count of all of the unique kmers in a DNA sequence But we can't simply generate all possible kmers (there are too many for even small-ish values of k).

Question 4

Let's think of the process in pseudocode, a plain-language high-level description of what we want to happen. Here, sequence represents some DNA sequence, and k is an integer representing the length of each kmer.

make a dictionary to store kmers
for each base in sequence
  get a kmer of the base and the next (k-1) bases
  make sure the kmer is a valid DNA sequence
  if this kmer is a key in the dictionary
      add 1 to the value referenced by that kmer
      make a new entry in the dictionary with a value of 1
   kmercount(sequence, k)

Finds all kmers in a sequence,
returning a dictionary of those kmers
and the number of times they appear in the sequence.


    julia> kmercount("ggg", 3)
    Dict{Any,Any} with 1 entry:
    "GGG" => 1

    julia> kmercount("ATATATATA", 4)
    Dict{Any,Any} with 2 entries:
    "TATA" => 3
    "ATAT" => 3

    julia> kmercount("ATATATATAx", 4)
    ERROR: Invalid base X encountered

    julia> kmercount("A", 2)
    ERROR: k must be a positive integer less than the length of the sequence
function  kmercount(sequence, k)
    1 <= k <= length(sequence) || error("k must be a positive integer less than the length of the sequence")
    kmers = Dict() # initialize dictionary

    # We're going to loop through the string with numerical index,
    # each time grabbing the bases at position i through i+k-1.
    # What is the last index that we should search?
    stopindex = 0

    for i in 1:stopindex
        kmer = "" # Change to index the sequence from i to i+k-1
        kmer = normalizeDNA(kmer)
        #   if this kmer is a key the dictionary
        #       add 1 to the value referenced by that kmer
        #   otherwise
        #       make a new entry in the dictionary with a value of 1

    return kmers