Wellesley College - BISC189 Essential Skills for Computational Biology

Lesson 5 - Loop-d-loop

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Learning Objectives

Concepts - After completing this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast for loops and while loops

  • Recognize the difference between Strings and Chars

  • Debug errors that occur from writing infinite loops

Skills - After completing this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Use a for loop to accomplish a task incrementally

  • Write a while loop to repeat code until a condition is met

  • Stop a loop before it's complete with break

Tasks - This lesson is complete when students have:

Repeating code with loops

Writing code is about being lazy - never write more code than you have to! We've already seen that we can use functions to wrap up code that can then be used over and over and over and...

But there are plenty more opportunities for re-using code, especially "loops." In the 🐢 exercise from Chapter 4 you've seen one use of the for loop.

for i in 1:5
    println(i * 3)

This loop says, "For each number, 1 to 5, print that number times 3."

The way the computer evaluates this is as a loop -

  1. i is set to 1, println(i * 3)

    1. loop back to the top

  2. i is set to 2, println(i * 3)

    1. loop back to the top

  3. etc...

Using ranges in for loops

The 1:5 is a "range", it's all of the integers from 1 to 5. In julia, there are many ways to express ranges - and they don't always have to increment by 1!

The easiest way to use ranges is with the : syntax, <start>:<optional-increment>:<end>.

for even_number in 2:2:10

for half in 1:0.5:3

You can even go backwards!

function decrement(n)
    for d in n:-1:0


In the examples above, I'm writing these in "script notation" rather than "REPL" notation (note the absence of the julia> prompt).

But you can (and should!) copy the code into a REPL or evaluate it in VS-code to see the results. Try to predict what the outcome will be before you run it, and if the results aren't what you expect, look into why.

For more complicated ranges, we can also use the range() function. Use the REPL help? mode to learn about the range function by typing ? (the prompt should change to help?>), then type range and press enter.

help?> range
# ...

Use the range() function to make a range that goes from 10 to 1000 with 4 entries.

You should be able to run:

julia> for i in range(#= your code here =#)

While loops

In many cases, the same loop can be written in many different ways. For example,

function whiledecrement(n)
    while n >= 0 # greater than or equal to
        n = n - 1


Where for loops march through a predetermined sequence, while loops continue until a particular condition is met.

Loops and scope

In julia, loops have their own scope (we talked about scope back in Lesson 3). Functions also have their own scope, and the way that the scope of loops and the scope of functions interact can be a bit counter-intuitive.

The best way to get a sense of this is to see some examples.

julia> i = 5

julia> for i in 1:3

julia> println(i)
julia> function strangeloop(j)
           k = 1
           for k in 1:j
strangeloop (generic function with 1 method)

julia> k = 5

julia> strangeloop(k)

julia> println(k)
julia> m = 3

julia> while m > 0
           print("$m ")
           m = m - 1
3 2 1

julia> m

Note that here, the REPL behaves differently than the same code in a julia file.

Put the code above (without the julia> prompts) into a file called "scope.jl" and execute it.

julia> include("scope.jl")
┌ Warning: Assignment to `m` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `m` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local m` to suppress this warning or `global m` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @ scope.jl:4
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: m not defined

Wait, what happened to m? The warning message tells you. Change scope.jl to the following

while m > 0
    print("$m ")

and run it again:

julia> include("scope.jl")

This occurs because, though the m in while m > 0 refers to the m outside the loop that's assigned to 3, inside the loop, m hasn't been defined. So the expression m - 1 throws an error. This is different in the REPL, because a lot of people complained about the scoping rules in the REPL, and the developers of julia decided that the convenience was worth the inconsistancy.

Mostly, this doesn't come up in real life, since in a function, things are a bit different. The following works in the REPL or in a script.

julia> function strangewhile(n)
           while n > 0
               print("$n ")
               n = n - 1
           println("") # getting a newline
strangewhile (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> strangewhile(10)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Loops inside the function have access to the function arguments. Re-assigning n inside the function changes what the function-scope n refers to, but doesn't leak outside the function.

julia> strangewhile(10)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

julia> my_n = 5

julia> strangewhile(my_n)
5 4 3 2 1

julia> my_n

Loops and Strings - Strings as containers

Loops can also operate on Strings, which are built from Chars.

julia> my_string = "This is a String";

julia> for c in my_string




We can also access individual parts of a String by "indexing" them. The syntax for this in julia is to put the index in [].

We can index with individual numbers...

julia> my_string[1]
'T': ASCII/Unicode U+0054 (category Lu: Letter, uppercase)

or with ranges...

julia> my_string[5:8]
" is "

Or with the special end keyword, which references the last index of a collection.

julia> lastindex(my_string)

julia> my_string[end]
'g': ASCII/Unicode U+0067 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)

julia> my_string[end-7:end]
"a String"

For those of you that have learned other programming languages like python or java, you might be confused that the first index is 1 instead of 0. That is because julia uses "1-based" indexing.

For those of you that have used R or matlab, or for those of you that have otherwise never been conditioned to think of 0 as the first thing, this is probably intuitive.


Notice that the type of a string indexed by a number (or the pieces of a for loop) is Char, and the type when indexed by a range is a String:

julia> typeof(my_string[1])

julia> typeof(my_string[1:2])
"Checking Question"

How can you get a single letter String with indexing?


Over the next couple of lessons, we're going to build some functions that help us to find and count all of the "kmers" of any length in a sequence, then use them to help us identify DNA sequences from various organisms.

A "kmer" is a biological sequence (DNA, RNA, or amino acid) of a given length, kk.

It is often useful to know the kmer composition of a sequence, given different values of k. For example, the 2mer (kmers with length 2) composition of the sequence "ATATATC" is:

  • "AT" = 3

  • "TA" = 2

  • "TC" = 1

Note that all reference frames are valid that is, we don't just march along by 2s. So the 3mer composition of the same sequence would be

  • "ATA" = 2

  • "TAT" = 2

  • "ATC" = 1

Another way to say this is that the sum of the counts of all kmers in a sequence must be equal to the length of the sequence minus kk plus 1, or

countsseq=seqk+1\sum{counts_{seq}} = |seq| - k + 1
"Checking questions"
  1. How many 4mers are in the sequence "ATTCCGTCA" (the length of the sequence is 9)

  2. All of the 4mers in the above sequence are unique. What are they? Answer below[1], but don't peek until you've tried it!

A Brief Introduction to Dictionaries

Earlier, when we wanted to calculate GC content of a DNA sequence, we looped through a sequence, counted anything that was a G or C, and then divided that number by the length of the sequence.

If we want to know the composition of all of the bases in DNA that would be easy to write out by hand, because there are only 4 options. You'll do this for real in Assignment04, but the pseudocode might look something like this:

set variables a,c,g,t to 0
for each base in the sequence
    if the base is 'A', add one to `a`
    or if the base is 'C', add one to `c`
    or if the base is 'G', add one to `g`
    or if the base is 'T', add one to `t`
return a,c,g,t

But doing something like this for proteins, where each amino acid might be one of 20 options, or for kmers where the number of possibilities increases exponentially with k (there are 16 possible DNA 2mers, 64 possible DNA 3mers, etc) that would be untenable.

Another option is to use a data structure called a "Dictionary." What follows is a very brief introduction to dictionaries, we'll learn more about them next week.

Dictionaries store data as key => value pairs, where the key can be (almost) any type and is used to access or alter the value. This is probably confusing, but may be clearer with some examples.

julia> my_dict = Dict("apples"=> 4, "bananas" => 1, "strawberries"=>10)
Dict{String, Int64} with 3 entries:
  "bananas"      => 1
  "apples"       => 4
  "strawberries" => 10

Here, the fruits are the keys, and the Int64s are the values. We can access values using the keys as the index:

julia> my_dict["bananas"]

julia> my_dict["strawberries"] * 2

We can check if a dictionary has a particular key with the boolean function haskey().

julia> haskey(my_dict, "apples")

julia> haskey(my_dict, "kumquat")

If we try to access the dictionary with a key that doesn't exist, we'll get an error.

julia> my_dict["kumquat"]
ERROR: KeyError: key "kumquat" not found

You can use the get() function to try to use a key, and return a default if the key doesn't exist:

julia> get(my_dict, "bananas", 0)

julia> get(my_dict, "kumquat", 0)

And we can add new entries to the dictionary if we assign them to new values.

julia> my_dict["kumquat"] = 0

julia> haskey(my_dict, "kumquat")

And we can update entries by reassigning them, as if they are variables.

julia> my_dict["apples"] = my_dict["apples"] + 1;

julia> my_dict["apples"]

In the assignment, we'll use dictionaries where the keys are the kmers, and the values are the counts. Let's get started!


[1] There are 6 kmers of length 4 (94+19 - 4 + 1), ["ATTC", "TTCC", "TCCG", "CCGT", "CGTC", "GTCA"]